
Bookkeeping, Taxes & Guidance

for Teacherpreneurs and TPT Sellers

We can help.

We tailor our services to your company's needs.
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The go-to accounting firm for the TPT Community

You don’t need to worry about your bookkeeping or taxes! We design our services to be proactive and responsive to your needs as TPT Sellers and Teacherpreneurs.  Our client-facing processes are simple and easy to follow, leaving you with more time to focus on your strengths in running your TPT business.  

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Working with us

We are unlike most accounting firms, and if you have a TPT business, you are going to love working with us! We understand TPT and set up the bookkeeping to optimize your taxes return(s) based on your situation. Have a look at the general process we go through when we start working together below:

Bookkeeping vs. Taxes

Your bookkeeping is essentially your tax return. When you provide your financial statements to your once-a-year tax preparer, the responsibility to ensure that your bookkeeping is correct rests on your shoulders. This is why we are involved in our clients’ bookkeeping, accounting, and tax preparation so you have confidence that nothing is falling through the cracks.

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